Sunday, January 25, 2015

Two things

A couple of Sundays ago, my pastor was ending his sermon for the day and mentioned that when he was in evangelism, during his invitation for salvation, he would say to the new coverts, there's two things that I want you to do. Number 1, start praying to God, create a prayer time for yourself. And then read you bible, if you are not sure where to read, start with the book of John.  As he said that God started to deal with my heart and mind.

Of course, this is a good thing to do for a new covert. especially after one is saved and has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and trusted Him for redemption from sin. Yes, this is for the new convert. But what a friendly reminder for us too. Many times we become students of the bible and think we need a study pamphlet or devotional studies, which is good, but sometimes it's also about coming back to the basics, praying and reading your bible.  This spoke to me. For we all get busy in well-doing with work, family activities and our PC time (social media). We need to come back to personal time with Him. Then, doing this, will open up many other things that we should do for God. Doing the business of our Heavenly Father. Know ye not that I must be about my Father's business? Luke 2:49

The Children's bible song is appropriate here,
Read your bible, pray every day
pray everyday, pray everyday
pray every day,
And you will grow, grow grow.
Sometimes we forget lessons from our youth, but we ( and me) would do well to remember this one !!

song" Jesus paid it ALL, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it wash as snow !! "

 For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved, for did not send His son to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved .

God Bless you friend, have a great day !!


Friday, January 23, 2015

The 4 2 story

The 4 2 story

The college Professor came in the class room and grab a piece of chalk then wrote on the the numbers "4 2". And he asked the class what's the solution.  Well, the young great minds pondered for a second, then one of the lads said "8", thinking it's 4 times 2 (4X2) in which the professor said NO.  Another said "6" thinking 4 plus 2, and he said NO.  Then another young class member said "2" thinking 4 divided by 2, and the professor said "NO".
Then the professor turned and looked at the class over his glasses and said you've all missed it, for none of you have asked "what's the problem??"  For if you would have asked, you would have arrived at the proper solution.

And when it comes to Godly things, it is hard to figure them all out.  But what does God say ?? What does God's word say to us in the bible??  But to, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  That has to be the first step in doing his service and especially in salvation, when you want to be saved. The Philippian Jailer in Acts 16 asked Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Then in another place the bible says For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with the heart man believes and with your mouth confession is made. 

Dear friend, it's not figuring out what is right, but it's trusting God then calling Him. Believing through faith. For by grace are you saved, through faith and not of yourself. Also not of works lest any man should boast. Salvation is a gift of God.

God Bless you,
(I saw the light, have you??)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

8000th pageviews

Psalm 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.

Hello ALL, well we reached another milestone, the "8000th" page view for this blog.  I rejoice and do rejoice !!  I started in 2010 at the time I kinda thought I knew what I wanted to write but really did not.  But God kept it on my mind and heart, then by May 2011 I found my zeal !! Stories and memories came to mind as well what God put on my heart.  So I am excited and thrill to have this outlet. Also, being on the internet or the World Wide Web (www),  I am getting many views from around the world and that excites this preacher. 

Pray for us, as we continue to share the gospel of Christ and God words / ways to ALL who read this blog.
Little is much if God is in it and I know He is in this for I know this  from the drive He gives me.  Praise the Lord !!

So may present Jesus to You, for Jesus is a friend kind and true, so when friend may come and go, there's a friend that YOU should know, so my present Jesus to You !! YES to you !! (from the "may I present Jesus"
For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved, for with the heart man believes unto salvation, and it can be you today.

God bless you friend and celebrating the 8000th page view in four years. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

He entered Jericho

"And He entered Jericho"

The town of Jericho is an interesting place.  The Good Samaritan went from Jerusalem to Jericho in the Luke 10.  I had a co-worker, who was from Israel, and he said there was an actual road there, and many walked it from Jerusalem to Jericho.  It was a town with history as it was there where "The Walls of Jericho" fell.
God did a great miracle that day for Israel as the Old Testament tells us.  And God wanted to do a great miracle in the Jericho that day as Jesus passed through the town.  I'm talking the salvation or conversion of Zaccheus  the tax collector.  A hated and a hindered man, but he need the Lord.  He was hated because he was a tax collector as many knew he was a Jew but he worked for the Romans, the government of the day. He was also, hindered physically, as he was small or short in stature.  Yet with these things against him, he wanted find the Lord and he did. That day Jesus was coming by and he saw Zaccheus and call for him to come down for the sycamore tree.
There are many lessons here that could be taught or said, I am about to get HAPPY here just thinking about it. But the "call" was made to Zaccheus.  He obeyed the Lord and came down, accepted Jesus and both went his house. Who would have thought that Jesus would have save Zaccheus, yet in his situation, but he did and salvation came to his house. (see Luke 19) Truly a miracle that day in Jericho as it was long ago. A rich Jewish tax collector accepted Christ Jesus and went to his house and abide there.

But dear friend, God wants to do a salvation miracle in your life. He sees you and would like to abide with you. Call on Him today, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you, Have a Great day !!

ps. I like this picture too ....
a picture is worth a thousand words . . . .

Thursday, January 1, 2015

YE must be born again

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Marvel not [do not be surprised, astonished] at My telling you, You must all be born anew (from above).

"Ye must be Born again" urges me to service and some type of soul winning activity, but that's just me ... it's the preacher in me, well the Holy Spirit, well the word of God, it's what in my heart mind, I'm the most happy when I am serving Him in some way.

The preacher that is within me. The guy who was trained and trusted with the gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I read the bible I am moved to serve in some way. I realize there were many before me, in which, I will follow their steps. Many preachers before that I have learn from their lives.

And I have the Holy Spirit within me, to fuel me and urge me to proclaim the gospel.  He's our teacher and comforter, see John 16 and Romans 8, he's our guide and guard, God in the spirit, The Holy Spirit.

And then it's from the Word of God within me,  For many years, I have read and learned from the Word of God, the bible, and it speaks to me.  It will speak peace to me, It will urge me to service.  It's food and water to my soul and for my spirit. Thus, I will serve Him in some type of soul winning activity in promoting the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I will follow Him.

But friend you must be saved, you must be born again. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be shall.  True salvation means a life change and a heart change.  You will have a desire to follow HIM.
God Bless you friend and have a great day and a great year !!


ps. Some type of soul winning activity, witnessing, testifying, preaching & teaching the word of God, supporting missions or a missionary on the field,  . . . . and more :-)