Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Shampoo Bottle

Many  years ago in my first church, God moved on my heart to help in Missions.  Which was already in my heart and mind as my home church was a great mission minded church.  And the members at my first church, were already mission minded as the former believe taught them about missions, which made my job as pastor easier.

So I set aside a Sunday to have "Mission Sunday".  It was a Sunday where we had invited missionaries to visit us then they would teach and preach all day at morning and night services.  One particular Mission Sunday we had a Missionary family going to Mexico. They were on deputation building up their support for the field of their calling, Mexico.  Deputation is an interesting time for some missionaries.   It either makes you or breaks you as a missionary. For the lessons that a missionary learns during deputation, will be lessons they will need / use and remember for the field once they get there.  And we, our church, was part of that lesson for the missionary family.

In our church basement we had prepared a Mission Closet.  It had travel kits, soaps and shampoos of all makes and sizes.  And we invited each of the missionary families to visit closet and get what they needed for their family. As the service went on day, the mother of the family going to Mexico, wanted to stand and testify.  And it turned out she was needing a bottle of shampoo and we had it for them in the mission closet and it was her brand. Her face had a big smile on it and the family rejoiced as God provided for them.

Dear friend, God works at different times in different ways.  As that bottle of shampoo became a lesson for that missionary family, God will use persons, people and things to work and speak to YOU in your life. Truly, we need to Trust in the Lord, but also, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. What is He using today to get your attention ??  Turn ye unto God and He will turn unto you, draw nigh unto the Lord and He will draw unto you.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  It's a faith righteousness. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

God Bless you Friend, call on Him today !!


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