Friday, December 6, 2013

The evolution of Sunday night church

After I got saved, I started to attend church regularly, meaning Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night.   As I got more active in the church,  it became Bus ministry, Sunday school, Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night.  Oh, did I mention choir practices, youth and adult choirs and also the church radio program.   So the day, Sunday, started Sunday morning 8:00am for Bus ministry,  Sunday school at 10:00am, Sunday morning worship 11:00am, of course take the kids home, grab lunch, go to the radio station at 3:00pm or Convalescent  Home meeting,  then Youth choir practice at 4:45pm, Adult choir practice at 5:45pm, of course prayer rooms at 6:45 then Sunday evening church at 7:00.  WOW,  it does sound like a lot, but we were young and younger.  ( I kind of miss it now )  And for me, I had  a 40 hour week job and nightly Bible College .  That was the way it was through much of the 1980s unitl I got married in 1987. (again, I say wow !!)  I went to nightly Bible College, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night.  No wonder why some concern adults would say to me when do you find time to rest?? !!

In the middle of ALL those services and while serving Him, we had our Sunday night church.  The Best service of the week !!  At least for us it was, We had Great singing, shouting and preaching.  Some say now, it was because we all came together on Sunday night, all the workers, Bus and children.    All I know is that we had great meetings on our Sunday night services.  And I can honestly say, it was unique and has been never been repeated or re-created.  

Interestingly, for me, when my wife and I went into the ministry, we had this idea in our minds.  And at the first church I pastor, we found that Sunday night was the least attended and the least spiritual of ALL of our services.  I really did not understand it.   But then, that’s when an older wiser pastor told me a big lesson.  And it was that each church are different.  But it troubled me for a long time.  How could it be that way, for we had many great Sunday night services?  But even at our home church, there was a move evolve.   We had grown and we had to build.  We moved to our new location and then,  I guess we did loose, little by little the sweetness of the Sunday night service.   

Another evolution of the Sunday night service was the time change, I chuckle and smile about it now, but I can remember when Sunday night church started at 7:30pm, then it was change to 7:00pm, 6:30 in some places then 6:00pm, where it stayed for  a long time,  through the 1990s, now we hear of churches starting at 4:00 and 5:00pm. (well, to each his own I say or whatever works for you)  :-)
Well, forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as some have.   Gather yourself together to teach and learn about the ways of the Lord.  We need the fellowship of the saints, the Apostle Paul did and we should too.

God bless you friend, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.

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