Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Jesus is the reason for the season


Jesus is the reason for the season.  It's the truth.  But why does all local and main line media refuse the history and happiness of our dear Savior's birth ??  Well, I do know why.  So I have been on my own campaign to remind everybody on my Tweeter and Facebook also, here that "JESUS IS THE REASON F0R THE SEASON"

The denial has been on going for the last past several years.  In one situation with a radio station, they played 24/7 Christmas songs, but only to disclaim the Christ related songs.  Then there were others who emphasized Rudolph and Frosty, snow time and bells. Jolly times and the getting of gifts. All of which is part but not the whole reason.

I like the cookies, cakes and candies as much as anybody. The cooking and the caroling have their place.  :-)

And on the other hand don't go the route of the Christmas tree, as the the wood is the cross and lights represent Jesus.  Sometimes it just a tree with lights part of the Christmas decorations, but hmm,  . . . (wow, this could be opened for debate)  . . .  I mean red for the blood, blue for royalty and white for righteousness. Hmm, . . . 

Anyway, I love this time of the year, this season, and what season is that Dan ?? "CHRISTMAS SEASON !!"

We do and should celebrate and of course, it is the day designated / set side, for our dear Savior's birth. The great miracle where GOD became man. Lived among us and died on the cross for us. (if that isn't love)

What a great plan for us !!  I rejoice and will rejoice !!  GOD demonstrated His Love to us !!  While we were yet sinners, unfavored and undeserved, He loved us.
For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 
(I know, I know NJKV)  :-) 

Hey, wise men still seek Him !!
And my friend, God loves you, and He wants  you trust in Him today, call on the name of the Lord and be saved.

God Bless you all  . . .  M-E-R-R-Y  C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S  !!  and have a Happy Christmas Season !!


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