Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bring them to Jesus

A few years ago in my bible studies, I began to start reading about the disciples of Christ. "The Twelve" as mentioned by one bible writer and in the books Matthew & Mark in the bible in the New Testament.  But one of my favorite disciple is Andrew.  He brought many to Christ including his brother, Peter, who would go on to lead this band of men and would be their spokesman many times.  And much could be said about Peter here in this blog, he's a great type of a Christan, but that's another blog some day at another time.  Andrew, who was a disciple of John Baptist, really became the first disciple of Christ. While he wasn't a great speaker preacher, but he brought many to Christ.  WOW, what great need today!! Bringing lost men and women to Christ.  A preacher friend of mine said from the pulpit one Sunday, "Keep your children close to Jesus and let Him do the rest"  I believe same could be said of our lost friends and loved one, but, bring them to Jesus, (church) and let Jesus do the rest.  For they will be converted when they see and understand Christ' love, labor and laying down his life.  The words Fishers of men, literally mean caughter's of men. We need to bring men to Christ, then let his words and ways touch them unto salvation.  Honestly, I can do a lot things for God, but I feel the closes to Him when I am in some type soul winning effort and leading men to Christ.  Yes, I love to preach from pulpits and radio stations and now the Internet. My heart's desire is to lead men and women to Christ, maybe, it's yours too.  I will forever promote and proclaim the Gospel (good news) of Christ.

But dear neighbor, First, accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Call on Him today and be saved. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  For with Heart, men believe unto righteousness.  It's the same for ALL mankind.  If you will confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart. the bible says YOU will be saved. See Romans 10:9-13.  Then you can, as Andrew did, bring many to Jesus.

God Bless you friend,


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