Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Christian and the Olympic games

1 Cor. 9:24-25
Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

The summer Olympics are here and all the athletics are striving and wanting to win a metal, especially the Gold Metal.  This similar thing went on in the Apostle Paul’s day and He made an observation in 1 Cor. 9:24-25.  In that day, the runners at the stadium would win a green wreath.  I read one place where the prize was a green olive branch that the winner would wear on his head.  Whatever the exact prize was, the Apostle Paul said that prize will fade, turn brown and go away on this earth, as an earthly prize.  Yet the athletic will train long and work hard for this temporal prize or crown.   And may I say, there’s certainly nothing wrong with working hard, especially when we live in a time and mind set that a lot young people have today, that they do Not have to work hard or suffer to get the best things in life. And this world’s crown / prize just did not seem worth it to him.  Paul was looking to eternity.  He wanted to win the soul winner's crown, the pastor’s crown, the victor’s crown and the crown for loving his appearing.  These are crowns that we can win in this life time and we will enjoy through eternity.  Many years ago I heard this phrase, “what we do in this world will past, but what we do for Jesus will last. We need to serve the Lord and be about our father’s business.  This is an observation from the Apostle Paul and he shared it with us.  Read in Phil. Chapter 3:3-7.  Also Phil. Chap.1 He said, For me to live is Christ. !!!  It was not about power, prosperity and pretty things to have, it was about living and serving Jesus.  He said But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory.
But first friend, you must be saved, you must be born again, confess your sin and accept Jesus Christ as your savior.  For whosoever shall call on this name of the Lord shall be saved.  For with the mouth confession is made but with the heart one believes unto salvation. See Romans 10: 9-10 & 13.
Truly, what we do in this life shall past, but what we do for Jesus will last.  For time to come and eternity!!
God Bless you,

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Baseball and The Gatekeepers

John 10:3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

Baseball and The  Gatekeepers
While watching a Baseball history program on the television the other day, I heard the narrator mentioned how the baseball scouts who sat in the stands watching the game were the gate keepers of the future for all the young players wanting to make it in the big leagues.  Then I heard another interview with a former baseball player that, when he was a young boy, could not get in to the stadium to watch a game because the gate keeper would not let him in.  At that moment, God started working on my heart and mind.  There are many spiritual applications here that one could mention, but here’s mine.  In the scripture John 10:3, the porter is really the door or gate keeper.  Jesus is the Good shepherd, there’s no question about this being taught in the scriptures.  The shepherd calls and the sheep hear and He leads them out.  This is how one is saved / born again. Our precious Lord will call through the Holy Spirit or in different ways, and when the sheep hear, and I mean really hear Him, they follow Him for salvation and for service in the ministry.  The Lord speaks at many times and in many ways, but do you really hear Him??
Also, in the computer world, a PC will need a gateway address to access the Internet or join in another network.  A PC can work within itself but is limited in what it could do.  It cannot be all it can be until it learns or access the gateway, only then will it find the way.
Dear friend what are you looking for in your life.  The gate is the place of decision.  You must decide if you want access to life and to the Lord.  It will determine you future and eternity.  Eternity is too long to be wrong!!
The baseball scouts went in many ways and many places to search for a player to become part of his team.  In same way, ministers and preachers are looking for souls to win for the Lord.  And this could be your future, you could become a part of God’s team and have a home in heaven.
God bless you friend,

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Catfish Blessing

Philippians 4:19
 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus
We were coming home from our summer vacation the other day.  Sadden that we had to cut our vacation short one day, because of the hotel reservation error in cost.  We were tired and feeling a little down.   Traffic was really bad on I-75 north on the south side of Atlanta, and on a Friday.  My wife had mentioned that she wanted some fish and chips for supper, but with the traffic, we did not have to many choices.  Then she saw a BBQ restaurant billboard.  We figured, well, we will take a supper break and let the traffic clear out some.  It wasn’t fish, but the BBQ looked and smelled good.  We were seated by the hostess beside a business lady.  Then we ordered our food.  The business lady spoke to us and said that she had ordered the catfish special, but she could not eat all of it, and she did not like to waste food, and wondered if we would take it.  (I know most of you, probably would not have, but we did!!) It was two catfish fillets with fries, and she quietly went away as we finished our supper.  Then, it occurred to me, God was watching out for us and gave us a fish blessing.  We got in the car and I put two and two together.  A fish and free food that was given to us, it had to be the LORD.  The bible says, my GOD shall supply all you need according to His riches in glory!!  And I believe that and you should too.  Listen, God speaks at different times, in different manners, in different ways.  But we should keep our spiritual eyes and ears open. Maybe there will be more blessings for us if we do!!   Sometimes it’s the little things.  Sometimes you need a catfish blessing.
But first, dear neighbor, you must be saved and born again.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved. See Romans 10:13 God loves you, see John 3:16.   For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God Bless you,

Rev. Daniel Samples

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Call of GOD and you

In my experience and in the Bible, the call of GOD comes first with hearing.  Hearing the call.  And I must admit this can come through situations, sermons, scriptures and through the Holy Spirit.  Let me briefly explain, God will allow / direct situations to happen in your life, where it gets you attention and helps you to realize, God is talking to you and this is needful in many a person’s life.  Of course there's sermons, God's messenger speaking and the message pointedly lands on your heart.  This is a very good source.  Then  more clearly there's the scriptures, GOD's own words, as you read them, then it starts to work on your heart and mind. Usually, the Holy Spirit enlightens you and guides you, as God is dealing with you.  An inner desire is after the fact, commitment is after the fact, clarification and evaluation is usually after the fact the GOD has spoke to you.  Many times, one will argue with GOD and say 'NOT ME" but it usually is, and the loving Heavenly Father gives you an opportunity to answer the call, and become apart the Father's business.  Abraham believed God, after he heard, Moses heard God, I am that I am.  Peter heard Jesus, gave up fishing, Paul Heard Jesus and God changed his life.  The song says that He speaks in a still small voice. Give me the bible, God's word, read it and take it in.  Then hear a sermon, by one of God's men, to assure you and lead you.  Then be aware of the situations that come to you and that open up to you. It will all come together, if it's of God.  My life's verse, Proverbs 3:5-6, tells it all. Interesting it was the first verse I ever memorize, and yet it's a verse I've used time and time again. 
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God bless you neighbor, we need to listen and hear when God calls us.

Rev. Daniel Samples

And His call can be for salvation, it can be separation and for service.  :-)