Saturday, February 18, 2012

When you need a big hand

Back in the mid 1940's, a mother and her son walked to the General Store on rural south Georgia.  While the mother was getting some things for cooking, her little boy went to the candy counter.  As he looked through the glass, the boy's nose was pressed to it and his mouth was watering.  The store manager saw the boy and invited him to grab some candy.  But the boy was shy and would not.  The manager said "Go ahead", but the boy would not. The mother saw what was going on and gave her approval to her son.  But he would not.  So the mother purchased her items and paid the manager, then the manager reached down into the candy counter and got a great big handful of candy and gave it to the boy.  He started filling his pockets being careful not to drop one single piece.  They left the store and started their way home. But the mother was curious as to why her son did not grab the candy.  So she ask him why and he said, because the store manager hand is bigger than mine.

Sometimes we should let our Heavenly Father's big hands work for us. The bible says in Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened , that it cannot save ; neither his ear heavy , that it cannot hear. I remember this story which was told by a preacher friend of mine. It blesses me to think that God has a big hand in my life and sometimes we need to wait on His hand in our life.

song - "I'm trusting to the unseen hand, the leads me the through is weary land, and some sweet day, I'll reach that strand, still guided by the unseen hand !!!"

Dear Friend, do you know the Lord, call on him today, and he can help you with His hand.

God Bless you Neighbor,

Rev. Daniel Samples

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