Saturday, February 25, 2012

Little Hinges open BIG DOORS

Matthew 15:34 KJV

And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye ? And they said , Seven, and a few little fishes.
As I was sitting in the office of my brother, a successful insurance salesman, forty years, million dollar round table, he said after all these years in the business world, he learned, indeed, "Little hinges open big Doors" Get the picture, the door represents entrance and opportunity, the door means safety and coverage. But the door is no good without the little hinge.  As I looked through my house, some doors have two or three hinges to hold up the door.  But the door cannot open without them. 
Sometimes it takes two or three little things to open a big door.  We know Jesus used loaves and little fishes to do a great miracle, in the feeding of the 4000 (not counting the women and children with them) see the text in Matthew 15. 
In Life, I want to do the little things to open BIG DOORS. With The Lord's Work, little is much if GOD is in it. In Life, doing the little things will keep you on the your job and on the your sports team.  With the Lord, doing the little things can win a soul and giving, can reap eternal blessings.
Dear Friend, are you saved ??? Are you born again ??? There's nothing little about that, but, ask, seek and knock.  Call on the Lord today, RIGHT NOW !! and He will save you.  John 3:16.
But the little things can Help your Love, your Labor and Life for HIM.
song:" Little is much, if God is in it, Labor not for wealth or fame, there's a crown and YOU can win it, IF you go in JESUS name"
God Bless you Friend,
Rev. Daniel Samples

Saturday, February 18, 2012

When you need a big hand

Back in the mid 1940's, a mother and her son walked to the General Store on rural south Georgia.  While the mother was getting some things for cooking, her little boy went to the candy counter.  As he looked through the glass, the boy's nose was pressed to it and his mouth was watering.  The store manager saw the boy and invited him to grab some candy.  But the boy was shy and would not.  The manager said "Go ahead", but the boy would not. The mother saw what was going on and gave her approval to her son.  But he would not.  So the mother purchased her items and paid the manager, then the manager reached down into the candy counter and got a great big handful of candy and gave it to the boy.  He started filling his pockets being careful not to drop one single piece.  They left the store and started their way home. But the mother was curious as to why her son did not grab the candy.  So she ask him why and he said, because the store manager hand is bigger than mine.

Sometimes we should let our Heavenly Father's big hands work for us. The bible says in Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened , that it cannot save ; neither his ear heavy , that it cannot hear. I remember this story which was told by a preacher friend of mine. It blesses me to think that God has a big hand in my life and sometimes we need to wait on His hand in our life.

song - "I'm trusting to the unseen hand, the leads me the through is weary land, and some sweet day, I'll reach that strand, still guided by the unseen hand !!!"

Dear Friend, do you know the Lord, call on him today, and he can help you with His hand.

God Bless you Neighbor,

Rev. Daniel Samples

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Train Trip

The Train Trip

John 14
1 Let not your heart be troubled : ye believe in God, believe also in me. v2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. v3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye may be also.

It was in the summer, when train traveling was the way to go from city to city.  The young boy was so excited and eager  to go. To take a train ride and to see his father was the Best.  Like the clock-work and on the hour the train and it's passengers started on their journey.  But  the heat and hard seats made the trip very worrisome.  And the passengers became uncomfortable and complained.  The windows were opened only to get a brief cool wind of relief.  It was never enough for some.  Then they noticed the little boy was happy and rested.  The conductor did not understand and ask the young one how could this be.  The child said I am happy to be on the trip and I'll get to be with my Father and that's what helping me.

As I thought about this story, of which I heard or read some time ago.  I thought about when I got on the trip.  February 17, 1974, at the Victory Baptist Church, 202 Canton Road, Cummings Georgia.  And at times the trip does get hard and difficult to bare.  But then I remind myself He's my Heavenly Father and thoughts of Him encourage me on the trip. And He will be waiting me for at the end of the trip.

Dear friend, do you know our Heavenly Father ???  Call on Him today and be saved. "for whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Pray and call on Him today.  It will help you on this trip. 

(song) We have a Heavenly Father above with eyes full of mercy and love full of love, He really cares when your Head is bowed the low, consider the lilies and then YOU will KNOW!!!

God Bless you Friend,

Rev. Daniel Samples

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Bread we need

John 6:35 KJV

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger ; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
I love the lessons on the BREAD.  It was supplied to the Hebrews in the wilderness as manna in the Exodus, it was for fellowship for the priest in the tabernacle, on the table  show bread.  It was for service for the Apostles in Acts as they as went house to house breaking bread.  ( I am about shout for joy right now !!!) WOW!!!!
The Bread in the Old Testament was manna. It came down from heaven. It was a work of God. It was provided for the them in the wilderness, while in their condition, to sustain their life.  GOD SENT MANNA. !!!  They would died, yet in their condition, but God give them BREAD and it was enough for all.
Then in the tabernacle, in the Holy place was the table of showbread.  There was much to do in the Holy Place.  The writer of Hebrews (Paul) or one of his fellow companions, said it was a Service of God.  For while in the Holy Place, the priest had to light the candlesticks, keep fire going on the Altar of incense and have the bread on the table of showbread.  As He kept the light shinning on the lampstand (candlesticks) and He kept the fire burning on the altar, which the fire had to come from the Brazen altar (wow !!!) He would take of the bread while He did the service of the God, literally fellow-shipping on the bread.

And the New Testament, in the book for Acts, early on in the book, they would go from house to house, breaking bread, and telling everyone that the Bread came down from heaven, was broken for you and for me. And to have sweet fellowship when we par-take of the bread. 
Many today teach a no bread diet, many religions leave Christ out, a no bread religion. And what do you have friend ???  For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. ( I am thankful for HIM )
" Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow "
God Bless You Friend,
(preached  in the cab of my pickup, while on the way to work)