Thursday, January 7, 2021

The GOD of Comfort


The GOD of Comfort

2 Cor 1:3-4,6

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

The word comfort, in the original language, Greek, means a calling near, a summons, (especially for help) also, a calling to one’s side for consolation.

All comfort, as “all” means all, also in every kind or variety.

I say, ‘What an awesome GOD !!”

And may I say, It is true!! (I have seen it and experience in my lifetime)

In this scripture text, we see the source of comfort, GOD. Then see the scope of His comfort, “all” and we see the significance of this comfot, it is  consolation and salvation.

First, we see the source of our comfort, and it is very clear, it comes from GOD. The creator of the time, day light and dark, the creator of this world, the GOD in Heaven, all powerful, all knowing and always everywhere, is the GOD of comfort.

Secondly, the scope of our comfort. It covers us first, personally, and then it covers others, Friends and family. When are comforted and experience it, then we should share the comfort with others, especially those in trouble and in tribulation as GOD is for you, he is not against you.

Thirdly, the significance of His comfort is consolation and salvation as seen in verse 6.  We will have personal consolation and deliverance from troubles and tribulations.  It is for us and for us to clam. A promise from GOD.

So, this is a calling for Help for you. And as David said many years ago in the Book of Psalms, “my help comes from the LORD” (and for YOU too).

Rev Dan

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