Monday, November 30, 2020

Three hidden truths


Three hidden truths from three parables Luke 15

It has been said a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.  Our LORD Jesus as the great master / teacher used this means of teaching to His disciples, we who are believers and to all that seek Him.

Now, each of the three parables have a story and lesson for all.  But here are the hidden truths.

First, in verses 3-7 the parable of the lost sheep. We see, what an earthly shepherd would do. But a deeper teaching is what the great and Good shepherd did for us all. He left Heaven, he left the throne of Glory, to go and come to the earth to find the lost sheep. Luke said, in his book, Jesus come to seek and save that which was lost. So not only does it who and what an earthly shepherd would do, but it shows what the LORD Jesus did for us. It shows His love, His looking and His labor for the lost sheep. And this teaches us salvation.

Secondly, parable # 2, the parable of the lost coin verse 8-10.  The bible teaches the bride of Christ as a woman. All believers, all those who have been saved by the grace of GOD through faith are apart of the Bride of Christ.  And so this is a message from Jesus to his bride the church.  Clean your house, your heart, and find that one valuable thing you lost. Ten is the number of testimonies, perhaps she lost one part of her testimony. Your testimony with man and GOD.  First, she lighted a candle or lamp, GOD’s light always shows that something is missing, it exposes the blemish and the wrong, it shows where you need to clean. May I say, many times, it is your heart, your head(mind) and home.  The old testament patriot, KING David, say in the Psalms “Thy word is a lamp to my feed and a light to my path”. And this teaches us sanctification. 

Thirdly, parable # 3, the lost son. The son made a wild and worldly decision to leave the Father. But in his leaving, he found regret that he left the Father. So the Father was not mean or mad. But He longed for His lost son. Then was happy rejoiced when he came back.  Truly, showing the great love of the Father and our Heavenly Father. The Father hugged and loved him, praise the LORD, he loves you dear friend, you may come back to Him!! And this teaches reconciliation.

So, we see three earthly stories, the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost on, BUT, great is the Heavenly meaning!!

Dear friend, GOD is lovingly looking for YOU today, why want you call on Him, today, He is just a prayer away. And, most importantly, whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be saved, that could be you.

May GOD bless you,





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