Friday, June 12, 2020

Behold a greater

and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. Matt. 12:42

History has recorded King Solomon's wisdom, riches and temple building. But here in Matthew chapter 12 verse 42, Jesus mentions Solomon to scribes and Pharisees of that day, which  were really the religious ones of that time, also many others that were there that could hear Him.

First, notice His call, Jesus tells them to "Behold", in the Greek language it means as follows,

eidon, "to see," calling attention to what may be seen or heard or mentally apprehended in any way.

Jesus wanted them to hear and mentally apprehend His words about Solomon. What happened in the past, would be used by Jesus for a present day sign to them.  And this same call is going out today as He would have ALL, to hear Him and mentally apprehend or understand Him. Do you hear and understand Him?? Behold Jesus blog reader.

John would write in 1st John chapter 3 verse 1,
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

Secondly, notice His claim, Jesus says "a greater than Solomon is here", the word for "greater" means, greater on quantity, superior, more excellent. King Solomon, son of king David, with much riches and wisdom is there a greater?? Why yes!! GOD's son, the LORD Jesus Christ. He was there for them and He is here for you. Greater that the past.

Thirdly, we see His conclusion, "is here", the word "here" means, in this place or in this same spot, as Jesus was revealing himself to the scribes and Pharisees, also all that were there listening to Him. This conclusion is for ALL today as well. Jesus is here!! He is near, just a prayer away.  Here for your future.

Jesus' call was for all there, His claim was for all there and His conclusion is for all there, here  and every where. 

Dear friend, if you are not saved, become a child of GOD, hear and understand Jesus' call today, hear and see Him.  His claim is greater than King Solomon's historical past, as some sees his riches and wisdom and His conclusion is He will be here now and or in your future. 

Acknowledge, Believe and call on Jesus today. (ABC)

Rev Dan

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