Saturday, January 4, 2020

may I testify 01/20

May I testify,

The year 2020
I still believe on His birth, shed blood, the book, the blessed hope, a heaven to gain and a hell to flee.
Salvation, sanctification and glorification
Salvation is by grace through faith (without debate) also not of works,
The bible and Holy Spirit will convict you of your sin,
The bible and Holy Spirit will sanctify you, set you apart for living and service for Him.
Redeemed not of works or silver & gold, but by His Blood
Jesus was the great prophet in the past history, our great High Priest today present seated at right hand of GOD, and soon coming King in the future, to rule from His throne in Jerusalem
Holy, Holy, Holy is His name!!!
Also the 5 V's:
Verbal inspiration of the bible
His virgin birth
His vicarious death
His victorious resurrection
His visible return
Gentlemen, there's no wiggle room here on these things.
Brethren, pray for us.
👍🙏✝️ ⛪️🌠⚖️❤️

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