Friday, March 8, 2019

May I testify 03/19

May I testify,

I was saved in 1974 Victory Baptist Church, 202 Canton road, In Cumming, Ga. I remember the time, I can still show you the place where the LORD saved me.  Thirteen year old teenage boy, at a cross roads in my life, I heard the great message of salvation, "Jesus saves" I went to an altar in the sanctuary of our church, the pastor's wife led me to the LORD, I accepted HIM, and I got saved. Later I would be baptized by my Pastor as it was seen by my family. THANK YOU LORD!!

Well, I could have went either way, at that cross roads at age 13, but praise the LORD, I saw the light and chose Christ. My family brought me to church and I heard the message of Christ. We stayed in church, joining Sunday school and Sunday morning worship. And we served the LORD.

Many years later God called me to preach and I answered the call. "Dan, how can they hear without a preacher?? Rom. 10:17 I stopped Technical school and went a community Baptist Bible College. During the 1981-1989 I went to Bible college at night, I got married and then I was called to a church to be their Pastor for ten years. My son was born during that time.

Then the new millennium, the year 2000, my son had medical conditions from birth and my wife and I had problems too, but God brought us through it all and has been so good to us. Praise- His- dear-name!!

May God bless, I just felt like sharing that with you all today.

Please call on Him today, He is just a prayer away.


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