Friday, November 17, 2017

taste and see

taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Psalms 34:8

Taste is one of our faculties in our Five Senses. Have you ever heard the expression "that left a bad taste in my mouth"  Which can mean physically and mentally,  as we actually get a mouth taste from food or drink. Also, an experience and something we read can left a thought or taste with us.

The Psalmist experienced the Lord God Jehovah in many ways.  He was led by the hand of God in all parts of his life. And his many experiences with God left a good taste with in himself.  May I say, I have found the good Lord to be GOOD too.

So happy is the man that trust in the Lord.  I can say I am happy with His ways. Truly, I do not understand them all but I see His great head in my families life. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. This not predestination or that a man is predesignated, but God through His fore knowledge  already knows.  And if a man follows God, He will know how his life will go and end.

Dear friend has the Good Lord been good to you or does He even know you. First, seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. This is now an open invitation to YOU, the reader if this blog, to come to the Lord.  The Spirit, the Holy Spirit says "come" Jesus said "come unto me, you who are weary and loaded down with many problems and I will give you rest" 

And if you do so today, you will find out taste and see the Lord it Good!!

Please call on HIM today.

May God Bless you,

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