Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Simon Peter

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. 2Pet.1:1

I read this verse this week, actually listened to it being read to me from my bible App on my cell phone.  But the verse jump out at me and touch my heart and mind.

It’s almost like a review of the Apostle Peter’s life. First, the bible says here, “Simon”. My mind’s vision went back to the apostle’s life before he met Christ. Simon the fisherman, he was that common man with a common trade, all of a man and all so human.  Yet the Good Lord chose Simon.  (He could choose you too)

Second, “Peter” from the Greek word “Petras” which means stone or pebble, the Lord would need a stone or rock to cornerstone his disciples, the twelve’s leader and many time spokesman was Peter. He would prove to be a good one, although he was up and down, he’s a great type of a Christian and what a Christian could be for the Lord.

Thirdly, “a servant” for it was that part of his life when he began to follow Christ after the call from the Lord; Jesus said I will make you fishers of men, literally “catchers of men”. At the time when Simon Peter started following the Lord in service and in studying for the Lord would teach these men His words, His ways and His wisdom. Yes a great time of Peter’s life. I cannot fail to mentioned servant as meaning  “bond- slave or bond servant ” as it is almost a given idea  here and has its place, but for me, he became that student servant, learning and leaning on the Lord. (well, much could be said here)

Then fourthly, “an apostle of Jesus Christ”, the word apostle means one sent with a message. But Peter had a mission and a mandate too. In the Book of Acts, Dr. Luke tells of the events of disciple, now apostle Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, as his source and power, going out and preaching on the Day of Pentecost, healing and helping those on this path, Acts 1-11 speaks of Peter and 12- 28 speaks of the apostle Paul.

Peter would later write First and Second Peter and these writing we find in the bible today. 

And so that first statement in 2 Peter 1:1 serves as a short outline of the Apostle Peter’s life, as least, that’s what came to my heart and mind.  How does God’s word touch you?? How does it move you??

As Jesus called Simon Peter, a common man with a common plan, and HE, Jesus is calling you today.  Will answer the call of salvation ?? What will you say ?? How will you answer??

The bible says for whosoever shall call in the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with the heart, man believes and with mouth confession is made to others, you MUST be born again!!
(just thinking, we see his past, present, path and plight)

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