Monday, June 12, 2017


Hello again everybody and especially blog followers. I heard a secular quote this week and God got my attention and moved on my heat and mind, . . . 

I heard the quote, (among people) " If I am going to stand out, I might as well be outstanding!!"

Well, I thought what a great statement and prospective !!

Secular speaking,  If you are a ball player and part of a team, you should want to stand out. As an employee of the company. you should want to stand out.

But how does one do this ?? "Be outstanding"

For a man, who is a Husband and a Father, stand out by being outstanding !! 

Be an outstanding Husband to your wife and be a outstanding Father to your children. (And be an outstanding employee to your employer, well just saying)  :-)

This a very hard task to do, but God promised us, as He promised the Apostle Paul, ' I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthened me) see Phil. 4;13 in the bible NT.

I stood out because I did an outstanding thing (in the past)
I stand out because I am doing a outstanding thing (in the present)
I stand out because I will be doing an outstanding thing ( the future)

You will need God's help and guidance.

 Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. Psa. 25:4-5
God will cover ALL the bases if you just turn to Him.
Turn ye unto God and He will turn unto you.

But first, to stand out for God is to stand with God. Ye must be saved, born again. You must become a child of God. 
So pray call on God, believe by faith in His son Jesus. For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord and shall be saved.
And then as you stand our for Him, you will be outstanding with HIM. - Amen !!
May God bless you,
Rev Dan

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