Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Little Fisherman

One of my favorite New Testament bible character is the Apostle Andrew.  He is the brother to Apostle Peter.  Although Peter is mentioned first in all Apostles name list, (see Matt.10, Mark 3, Luke 6 and Acts 1) Andrew was the first disciple of Christ. He was the first to believe in Jesus Christ the Messiah.  And may I say, the Messiah of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament.

But I enjoy studying Andrew the first disciple. One writer said the two brothers Andrew and Peter, were opposites.  Where Peter was loud and emotional, Andrew worked quietly for the Lord.  Peter led while Andrew followed. They were different in character and actions but the Lord used both of them and in a mighty way.

Andrew is called the " introducer" and he brought many to Jesus. His pattern was to bring one by one to Christ. What a great soul winning example and lesson for us today. How many of you remember the old saying "Each one reach one"  Oh, how this would work today.  And yet in doing the little things, he won a big fisherman,  his brother Peter.  Jesus said I'll make you fisherman, .... fishers of men, literally catchers of men.  So Peter became the big fisherman as won 3000 with one sermon and did other great things for the Lord and Andrew was the little fisherman, winning by by one, but he won the big fisherman, his brother Peter. So Peter preached publicly but Andrew labored privately, the little fisherman landed the big fisherman.

What we do in this world will past, but what we do for Christ will last.  Little is much if God is in it.  The dollar you give for missions, the prayer you pray, my Lord keeps a record and will show up big in heaven one day.

But first my friend, the first thing you should do call on the name of the Lord and be saved, For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with the heart man believes and with moth confession is made, you must be born again.  Only trust Him only trust Him, only trust Him now !!

God Bless you friend and have a great day !!

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