Friday, September 19, 2014

The Bird Nest

The Bird nest story

Many years ago, at my first church, the grounds keeper and I were standing on the front porch of our church building.  It was after a morning service, and we were looking at the church ground for future events.  Then we heard a stirring going on, on top of one of the columns. It was a bird and she had built a nest there.  My grounds keeper said I'll get a ladder and knock it down. I said OK, thinking he was only doing his job. Then immediately God spoke to my heart and mind.

The bird chose our church for the home of her babies.  No doubt, and even with animal sense, she was looking for a peaceful place, protected place and a Place to feed her young ones.  OMG !! WOW !! and what are we looking for in a church. A peaceful place where we can come and worship the Lord in spirit and truth. A protected place where can sing, shout and rejoice to the Lord.  A place to be feed spiritually in song, sermon and scriptures.  Were we have fellowship with the believers in Christ. Just a good place to be.  :-)


So, I said to our grounds keeper, NO, let's leave it there until she raises her young ones, and they all leave the nest. I must admit that he did a double look at me and with a smile. But then next Sunday morning he fully knew what I was talking about when I preached a sermon on the "THE BIRD'S NEST" 

Last Saturday, while I was grilling burgers and hotdogs, I noticed a bird's nest on the gutter of our house.  I thought the mother bird wanted to raise her young ones next to our family. And I thought what an honor for her to choose our home, but in many cases the good Lord watches over the birds and perhaps He led her there.  The song says, "His eyes are on the sparrows, and I know he watches me !!"

In the gospel of Luke, it says
Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?
 There are many lessons here to learn here from the birds. But I like the lesson on raising your young ones at the church. (Although much can be said about the bird's provision and protection, but that's another blog post someday) :-)

But dear friend, are you saved??  Are you born again?? Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior.  If not, you can today, right now.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Chrisy and you can be saved, for with the Heart man believes and with mouth confession is made.  Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your understanding, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.  For whosoever shall call on the mane of the Lord shall be saved!!

God Bless you friend, have a great day and very great day!!


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