Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Radio Station

One Saturday morning, I woke up early to carry my son to meet one of his train club members for a model train show.  It was still dark as we drove down Highway 9 by the old radio station. It had closed down many years ago and I thought that it might be a point of interest for my son.  So I mentioned it to him,"there's the old radio station" and he said I know, we use to drop off tapes there for our church broadcast.  And then my mind went back . . . yester-year . . .

It was a small 10,000 watt day light radio station, meaning it could only broadcast from sun up to sun down. It was not really a full time gospel / religious station, but they played Southern Gospel a lot.  The morning show was gospel music and programming.  As a young preacher boy, I thought it was a great thing when I was asked to preach the morning devotional program.  But they had Southern gospel music in the mornings, then country music in the afternoon and in the evening "Supper time gospel" until sun down or the end of the day.  In the summertime they ran 6am to 9pm.  Just great memories.

But as my mind went back I immediately thought about the different times and the different days that I had been there through out my young Christan life.  First, I thought about our youth group singing at the radio station.  Usually on a Sunday afternoon, we would crowd into the small radio program area which had an out of tune piano that someone or a church had donated and we sang loud for the glory of God.  Giggles and laughter was going on with "SSSHH" we are going on the air !! All turn serious and we sung as best we could.  (I still smile thinking about it)

Then a couple of preacher friends of mine bought some time and had a weekly Sunday program.  We would have 5 to 6 preachers a Sunday there, hoping that one of the preachers would yield his time to us preacher boys.  Later we would have two 30 minute broadcasts from 3pm to 4 pm.  And we had enough preachers to support both Sunday broadcasts.  (it was a great time)

Then I went on my own, and had a weekly 15 minute program. One was at 4:15pm and then later at 5:15pm, the most wanted time among preachers, 5:15 pm, it was right after the obituary report and when it had its highest listener ship.  :-)  (many still say to this day we heard you back then)

Finally, I wanted to promote the church that I pastor, and I had a 15 minute weekly Sunday morning at 8:15am. And that's where my son remembered dropping off a tape at the radio station for our weekly church program and then going to church. 

It was great happy times for me and I was glad that in midst of it all, I was serving the Lord.  I know my Lord keeps a record.  And I count it a real joy knowing God would take that radio signal and deliver it to a soul or a someone that needed help /  a message from Him.

God bless you friend, maybe this is a message for you ?? You MUST be born again (see john 3) or God is calling you to promote and proclaim the Gospel of Christ, if so, or in either case "Hear ye Him !!"

Brethren, pray for us,


Thursday, January 23, 2014

The servants knew

When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) John 2:9

The other day, I realized that I had not done a blog post in a couple of weeks.  I wondered what was going with God or what was going on with me ??  No spiritual life lessons, no movement from Him, I noticed,  and no Ford pickup experiences, which is the usual for me.  A cold dim sadness had crept in unaware to me.  Life has a way of doing this, the secular life of work and making a living.  Also, the family, where I am a Husband to my wife and a Father to my son, of which, I am very thankful.
But I needed to hear from God !!  So before going to sleep, as my wife had already crashed for the night, as she has to wake up earlier than I do, I reached for the bible to hear from the Lord.  My hands seem to turn the pages of the large print New Testament bible, of which I needed the reading glasses anyway, and I came to John chapter 2.

Really I wanted to re-read how Jesus was there for the marriage in Cana of Galilee, showing His approval of a husband & wife marriage, even in that day. And then . . . the words jumped right at me, "the servants  . . . knew"  WOW, talk about been there done that !!  Not that I have seen water turned into wine (grape juice) but what the servants saw and experienced.   You see they started with water and it became wine.  The servants knew !!

It's just like the Lord to take the normal and change it into something great. He changed the water into wine !!  The servants brought water pots (jars) which was not exactly a super task, perhaps boring and trivial, but then "He changed the water into wine" and the servants knew it !!
I love it when the Lord takes the little things and make a big thing out of it.  To take a common thing and make a big thing out of it.  Praise the Lord, the servants knew !! and saw what had happened.
I want to be there when the Lord takes the common and makes it big.  That's Him, that's how He works.  May we learn from the great miracle of the turning the water into wine (grape juice) :-)
There's the lesson for the servants and for those who were in need which He provided for them.
There are indeed, many lessons here, but for me, it blessed me to realize "the servants knew"

But dear friend, you can know Him too.  And that is to be saved, be born again, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved !!
For with the Heart men believes unto salvation, PTL !!

(see 1John, these things were written that you might know) PTL !!

God Bless you,