Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's really HIM !!

Many years ago I experienced a neat thing that I often think about from time to time as I ponder it in memory.  My son was turned on to Thomas the train, at an early part of his life.  We saw all the TV shows and videos that there could be.  Along with that came the train sets and trains toy.  He really got into it . . . and his cousin also.   Well, my son heard that Thomas the train was going to be in a town near us and he wanted to go see him.  He invited his cousin and we loaded the truck and went out to see Thomas the train.  The boys were so excited.  As we came to the town and drove to the train tracks the boy's eye kept looking and waiting.  We saw the signs and the crowd. Then all of a sudden we went around a building, crossing some railroad tracks, and he was there parked on the tracks.  Then I HEARD a voice from the back seat that said something that I will never forget. "IT'S REALLY HIM !!"  Saying it with a gasp of air. "it's really him" 
Now I believe God, I believe the bible, Jesus said Let not your heart be troubled, if you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many Mansions, (God's rooms has to be a mansion to us, see a later blog, ha,ha )  Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you and if I go, I will come again and receive you unto myself.  I believe that He will return !!   And when we see Him in the air, we will say what a little boy said about Thomas the train, "It's  really Him !!"  

But Dear friend, you have to be saved first, you must be born again.  Like a regular train ride you must make your reservations, and YOU can do that when you call on God to save you.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

With the Call of salvation,


Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Good Thing

A good thing happened to me last Friday morning.  It was Friday, it was payday, and I usually  get a breakfast biscuit on this day.  Earlier in the week, a co-worker help me setup my tablet PC for the Internet and I wanted to thank him by buying an extra biscuit for him.  Well, I placed my order then drove through the "drive through" to pick up my order. Then to my surprise, I was told that my order was paid for by the previous customer.  I WAS SHOCKED !!  An unknown person paid for breakfast order and I got a free biscuit along with my co-worker.  Now, I am not a rich man, but what a blessing.  Little is much for me. I was trying to feed myself and feed a friend and God took care of it for me.  I actually believe that all good and perfect gifts comes from above, from God.  I believe it was a blessing from God.  Also, I wanted to be a blessing and I got blessed.
You know, I have seen this before and made a mental note.  I have a friend, who's in my mind right now, I could call his name, who has been willing to help another person and then he received an unpaid blessing by helping another and then God would bless him physically and financially.  God is definitely GOOD!!

And God can bless you, dear Friend, first you have to be saved, born again, then God will bless his children.  Jesus came to this earth to seek and save those who are lost.  The bible says trust in the Lord with all your heart, for whosoever shall call on the Lord shall be saved. 

I believe in the Father (God), I believed in the Son (Jesus) and I believe in the Spirit (Holy Spirit) I believe in the three in one. 

I just want to thank you Lord for your blessing on me!!

John 3:16