Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Confused Salvation process

Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost.  There are many who want to be saved, but feel they cannot because they think, that it involves a big process.  Even some  preachers choose to teach this (I call it the way I see it) they teach salvation is a process.  I guess when you consider all that happens to you when you are saved, it would appear as a process.  As I write this blog, I realize how much I need to say and much to explain. But anyway, salvation is instant, but many things happen.  Your sins are forgiven, your name is recorded in heaven, you become a child of God and Jesus comes into your heart. (I know, much to explain here).  The Apostle Paul told young Titus in Chap.2:11 - For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.  I like that word "appear" because the Lord shows up, gives you a chance to be saved.  He may show up many times, giving you the opportunity to be saved. So when He shows up or appears to you in your life, you may be saved.  But then the next verse shows the real process, notice,
Titus 2:12 -
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world, here begins the process.  You see, after you are saved, then you should learn to live right, according to the words of God. Using the Bible as a mirror, with a bright light, to correct the wrong and reveal the sin blots in your life.  And that is a process.  The song writer was correct, when they said "he's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be" and to be conformed to the image of hid dear son (Jesus).
I like the ABC's to get saved, Ask, Believe and Call. Ask, Good sirs, what must I do to be saved, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you and even all that's in your home and Call, for whosoever shall on the Lord shall be saved. 

My prayer is that whoever reads this blog, if they are lost, that God would use this blog as a moment when He appears to you for salvation and you too, could on the Lord to save you.  And that the Christian would be moved to soul win and lead another person to Christ,

God Bless you neighbor, call on on Him today, you'll be glad you did !!!

Rev. Daniel Samples

Keywords: saved, living right, appear, God showing up

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