Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baseball and A Productive Out

A Productive Out

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
In the game of baseball, a student of the game will  say if batter makes an out, it needs to be at least a "productive out".  Meaning move the lead runner to the next base or if no one is on base make the pitcher throw ten or more pitches to you.  And there maybe other situations in a given spot but even though the batter may make an out, al least it could be productive.  It reminds me of witnessing to a lost friend or family member. 
We always want to lead someone to Christ, but sometimes we don't always win them all.  But in our attempt maybe we are moving them closer to accepting Him or least we are planting a seed thought that will grow into salvation with the help and work of the Holy Spirit.  The Christian worker may feel like he did not accomplish much, but with God, our work can be very productive. And when that person gets saved, we will be glad that we had a little part in it.

God Bless you neighbor, live and work for Him, you'll be glad that you did.

Rev. Daniel Samples

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Confused Salvation process

Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost.  There are many who want to be saved, but feel they cannot because they think, that it involves a big process.  Even some  preachers choose to teach this (I call it the way I see it) they teach salvation is a process.  I guess when you consider all that happens to you when you are saved, it would appear as a process.  As I write this blog, I realize how much I need to say and much to explain. But anyway, salvation is instant, but many things happen.  Your sins are forgiven, your name is recorded in heaven, you become a child of God and Jesus comes into your heart. (I know, much to explain here).  The Apostle Paul told young Titus in Chap.2:11 - For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.  I like that word "appear" because the Lord shows up, gives you a chance to be saved.  He may show up many times, giving you the opportunity to be saved. So when He shows up or appears to you in your life, you may be saved.  But then the next verse shows the real process, notice,
Titus 2:12 -
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world, here begins the process.  You see, after you are saved, then you should learn to live right, according to the words of God. Using the Bible as a mirror, with a bright light, to correct the wrong and reveal the sin blots in your life.  And that is a process.  The song writer was correct, when they said "he's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be" and to be conformed to the image of hid dear son (Jesus).
I like the ABC's to get saved, Ask, Believe and Call. Ask, Good sirs, what must I do to be saved, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you and even all that's in your home and Call, for whosoever shall on the Lord shall be saved. 

My prayer is that whoever reads this blog, if they are lost, that God would use this blog as a moment when He appears to you for salvation and you too, could on the Lord to save you.  And that the Christian would be moved to soul win and lead another person to Christ,

God Bless you neighbor, call on on Him today, you'll be glad you did !!!

Rev. Daniel Samples

Keywords: saved, living right, appear, God showing up

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Serving Christ today

Hello again Everybody,

I am forwarding, again, another great thought from Dr. Stanley, on Serving Christ.  The song in Red Hymnal book says, "Send the light, send the Light, there souls to rescue, there souls to save, send the light send the light".

Serving Christ
Matthew 25:34-40
Stop for a moment and consider the purpose of your life. Are you living to pursue your own interests or success? Does your energy revolve around your family members? Perhaps your ambition is to change the world for the better.
All of these aims—even the last one, which sounds so selfless—are futile. The only goal of lasting value and fulfillment is serving Christ. As His followers, we should model our life after His. And Mark 10:45 tells us that "even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” We honor Him by doing likewise.
Yet, sometimes we can feel overwhelmed when we consider the amazing ways that other believers are serving the Lord. With God on His side, King David led great armies into war. Today, there are evangelists who speak to tens of thousands, and many lives are saved. How could anything we do compare to accomplishments like these? And while comparisons may discourage us, Christians use other excuses for not trying—such as a lack of experience or having the wrong personality for the task. But God’s call for each person is unique. He will provide the words, ability, and circumstances so that you can achieve what He wants done. Remember, our Father is the one who makes the difference. We are merely tools, and we’re blessed to be used by Him.
EL: Are you demonstrating your love for the Lord by serving others? Live in such a way that each evening you can tell Him, “Lord, as best I know how, I have attempted to serve Your purpose today.”

Thank you for those good  words.  When I was in Bible College many years ago, I had one professor who would give an hour extra credit for doing "Personal Practical Evangelism"  And all that He would ask is that if we would commit to one hour a week to some type of soul winning work.  Which was very easy for me, as our church had a Nursing Home ministry, Radio programs, and Bus visitation.  It really come very easy for me.  But I learn so much from those experiences and  I got school credits for serving HIM.  IT WAS TRULY A GREAT TIME IN LIFE, I have happy memories. 

Serving Christ is the next best thing to getting saved. Well. at least a close second, to winning another soul yourself, but it's all a great thing.  Another song says"We'll work, until Jesus comes, we'll work until Jesus and take his jewels home.

God Bless you neighbor, let's work for Jesus today, you will be glad you did !!!

Rev. Daniel Samples
keywords: serving, working, winning the lost, reach the unchurched

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Call of God and you

Hello again everybody, Today I am forwarding a Misions Thought from Dr. Stanley. So read it and respond to the CALL OF GOD !!!  Really, please realize, the unchurch are the ones who WE need to go after and convert.

The Missionary Call
Matthew 4:18-22

 I've heard every reason you can imagine for avoiding missionary service: "I haven't been to seminary." "I can't preach." "I'm too old." "My family won't go for it." On and on the list goes. Let me tell you that there are thousands of active missionaries who once thought that God couldn't use them either. I often have the privilege of hearing their stories of how the Lord turned resistance into enthusiasm.
 People can offer God plenty of reasons why He shouldn't call them to spread the gospel. But His call is not issued for our consideration; He expects a response of obedience and surrender.

 A believer is accountable only to say yes to God's call. It is the Lord's responsibility to equip the chosen for the work He's assigned. A personal plan has been mapped for each believer's life, and God provides the personality and temperament that suits. Then He adds skills that can be developed and the spiritual gifts necessary to fulfill His mission.

 God makes His call with wisdom and discernment. He knows why He created you and what you're capable of accomplishing in His strength (Eph. 2:10). Rejecting the invitation to serve Him is foolish. It would be like telling almighty God that He made a mistake. But surrender opens the door to a lifetime of service, blessing, and joy!

Mission work can occur near or far. You could serve: at home by writing to prisoners; down the street by dishing out meals at a shelter; across the nation by providing flood relief; or in a foreign land by translating the gospel. In short, a missionary calling is whatever God tells you to do.

John 1:5 There was a man sent from God

song; "My house is full, but my fields are empty, who will go and work for me today, for it seems all want to stay around the table, but no one wants to work in the field, no-one wants work in the fields"

God bless you neighbor, surrender to God today, and serve Him today, you'll be glad you did.

Rev. Daniel Samples
keywords: The Gospel Message, Serving God, A labor of love, Working till Jesus comes