Sunday, January 22, 2012

Second Chance

The Lord gives us a SECOND CHANCE

Mark 16:7
7But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.

"Go tell the disciples and PETER" The angel said this to Mary on the resurrection morning. First, tell the disciples, those learning men of Jesus, those who had walked and talked with Him. But especially tell Peter, who had denied Jesus. Tell Peter, for he was to be apart of this too. 

Peter, the fisherman, was the called to serve the Lord.  Peter, the follower of Christ, Peter, the man of faith, and walked on the water,  Peter, his fall and denied the Lord three times. BUT HE GETS A SECOND CHANCE !!!

Jesus said tell them I AM ALIVE AND WELL, tell the disciples and Peter.  God was not finished with Peter. NO, there would be his great sermon in ACTS 2, he would establish the early church and later write two books of the bible, 1st & 2nd Peter.  YES, God was NOT finished with Peter, although he fell, a brief mental lacks on his standing, God said I can still use him.  And God can still use you.

I do not know what's going on in your life, but God can help, Read your bible, especially the Gospel of John then pray and come back to God. He's waiting and wanting you to come back and get a SECOND CHANCE !!!

A song in the Red Church Hymnal says, " Jesus knows all about our struggles, there's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, no not one, NO not one "

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