Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A life lesson from Baseball

A life lesson from the Baseball.

Baseball is very mental.  It pays to understand the game situation, that you are in,  to determine what you do.

One scenario is when a batter comes to the plate with a runner on 1st.  On first pitch he might swing for the fence, or hit it hard somewhere, to advance the runner. If he swings and misses, he should not freak out, exhibit emotions, but rather stay foucs, and perhaps goto plan "B" , just hit it hard somewhere to advance the runner. Since there's a runner on first, the batter must hit the ball to the right side of the field, on the first base side of trhe diamond.  He should stay focus, stay with his options.  An out burst of emotions could give the pitcher an avanage. An out burst of emotions can freak out the batter himself. S-T-A-Y focus. Advance the runner and get on base.

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