Saturday, December 16, 2023

Bread from heaven

A December 2023 blog post

 Hello and Merry Christmas blog followers and those who are visiting and viewing this blog. 

Perhaps the good LORD led you here, if so welcome :-)

 I know and realize it's been many months last my last blog post, but GOD has moved on my heart and mind again, (of which I am so thankful)

The bread came that down from heaven.

The first time this happen was in the wilderness when the children of Israel left Egypt going to the promise land, see Exodus 16 in the bible in the Old Testament.  GOD rained down bread "manna" from heaven for the children of Israel.

The second time would be when Jesus came down to earth as a baby in Bethlehem.  You see, Jesus identified himself as the bread of life in John 6 in the bible in the New Testament.  So as GOD gave the Children of Israel bread for life, that is, bread to eat in the wilderness to live,  GOD sent his son Jesus to into this world  that we might have life, eternal life with Him and life to live for him on this earth.

The spiritual symbolism of Jesus' birth are very interesting and note worthy.  

Notice, the city which Jesus was born Bethlehem, which means "house of bread" .  Then when Jesus was born, they laid Him in a manger, a feeding trough. GOD was pointing and is still pointing to all, that Jesus is that bread that came down from heaven.

And so this where Christmas comes in.  As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, in this season that is set aside from this,  may we realize the Jesus was that bread the came down from heaven and realize GOD became human flesh and dwell among us on this earth. Emmanuel meaning GOD with us.  May we celebrate this with JOY.

So dear friend, this is the reason for the season, why don't you call on Him today, He's just a prayer away, for whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be saved.

May GOD bless you, have a great day !!