Monday, September 28, 2020

GOD sent

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Our Great LORD GOD loved us (the world) so much that He sent first, his word for us to live by. GOD gave the great Jewish leader, Moses, the tablets of stone, the 10 commandments for His people to live by.

 His word in stone speaks how GOD wanted to last and endure through time. He gave it to Moses and He wanted Moses to give it to the children of Israel, GOD's people.

Then He sent the rain. one time for judgement and another time for blessing. Water from the heavens / sky, was judgement in the flood with Noah. Water from the ground was from a rock, to satisfy the thirst of the children of Israel in their wildness journey.

God sent down the Holy Manna for His children in the wilderness, as they hunger, enough for the day, that day. He sent down JESUS, the bread of life, for the salvation of mankind. 

GOD can send down judgement and He can send down blessings. What are you looking for and what do you want ??

His word sent down to us can condemn or console.

His water can condemn or console. 

His ways may condemn you, but it can also console you.

How long will YOU be of two opinions of GOD, seek Him, seek life a new life in Him, trust and follow Him.

There is heavenly home to gain and devil's hell to flee in the next life after death.

Where will you spend eternity ??

Please call on the LORD GOD today, believe in His son, for redemption of your sins.

Call on Him while He is near, draw near to the LORD and He will draw need to you.


May GOD bless you,

Rev Dan