Friday, October 28, 2016

A lost man's rebuttal

Hello again blog followers,

Well being the social media preacher that I am these days, I have encounter another rebuttal, one who refuses my beliefs and teachings of God and the bible.

I have had a full frontal attack and challenges of my beliefs and God. It some what amazing to me at first but then it is also very sad as many reject God and the bible. I remember back in the 1980s and 1990s how there was a great God conscience and belief. We could promote the gospel of Christ here and around the world, well it was great time.

But today, many questioned God in the words and ways. As I have this past week.  And wow, I got a really hard core anti-god man, a student and follower of Jon Stewart. I have been talking to this guy through twitter and it's been like a Jedi fight from Star Wars.

Then lost man has been choosing me his educated false teachings and I have been fight back with the words of God, the bible.  He has call me a bible pounder and stupid teachings.  He said I have fairy tales and myths.  I say I have God and the all powerful and eternal word of God, Hallelujah !!

How long will it last, well, I am really not sure. He may eventually block me, but I intend to keep giving him the power word of God. As he will take a blow at me and I will return fire with God's words. So pray for me as I want to use wisdom, show God's love and have an answer to all his questions.

For he is full of questions that this world cannot answer not satisfy him.  He has anger. Only the love of God can cure him, please for him, for Bill, that the word of God will penetrate into his cold hard heart  and that the powerful Holy Spirit will convict him, AMEN!!

But, so were we, when we were lost and without God.  We rejected God's truth, words and ways.  But GOD, who is rich in mercy and love, saved us and we became a child of God. We were saved and born again, Hallelujah !! I'm saved and I know that I am, I so glad that I know that I am, and you can too, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with the Heart man believes and with mouth confession is made, for the word is near to you. Why don't you call on Him today.

God Bless you,