Monday, October 6, 2014

A Business Lesson

 Matthew Chapter 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 

The other day after work, I got into my pickup truck and started home. I had the radio station set to listen to the Atlanta Braves per-game radio show.  But it was not on the air.  The season was over and I heard the supper time program with Southern Gospel music.  The my mind went back to my days preaching on our local radio station. 

Well it was a small building, but was the outlet for preaching we young preachers had back then.  The station was not full time southern gospel singing as it was played gospel music in the mornings and country music in the afternoons, then gospel until sign off time, which was sun down, for they only broadcast sun up to sun down.  I really enjoyed those years.

One thing we had to deal with and learn was the " business" side of the station. Making money and selling air time.  For the station could broadcast the NASCAR race and make more money than for preaching time on the air. So we got pushed aside during race season for the sale of air time for commercials during the race.

Well, we learned to preach when we could.  Many times we recorded on tape. But we did what we could,  when given the opportunity. Some preachers quit while others made the adjustments.  But it was a learning experience in business for a secular radio station trying to make money and choosing what to broadcast on the air waves.

So when I heard on the radio that day in my pickup truck, the sounds of Southern Gospel music, I knew the ball season was over.  And they will play supper time gospel through the winter until spring,  or April and the ball games will play again.  A Business decision where they can sell commercial time and during the ball game to make some money.  It's a business decision.  But what will be your decision, what will you make friend ???

The bible says seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He shall direct you path. And that includes your spiritual path and your secular path.

For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. I remember the time and day when the Lord saved me, why don't you call in Him today. A-men

God Bless you,