Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Light and You

The other day, we went to turn on our kitchen light and it did not come on or light up.  Many times we only need our kitchen light to be turned on and it would light up three other rooms.  So until the repair man comes to fix the light, we  have to turn on many other lights to give us enough lighting to work in our kitchen.  I thought what great spiritual lesson.  When one Christian's light goes out or darkens it takes many other Christian lights to shine to work for the one that went out. So pray, that God will help us to keep our lights shining, and our globes clean, to be that bright shining light for the Lord. The song says" be a light for Jesus everyday" Be a light, be a light be a light for Jesus" See Matt.5 :16, Let you light so shine that MEN may SEE you good works.  Lost men need to see your good works !!! What a testimony !!!
God bless you neighbor,
Rev. Daniel Samples

The Lord's Day and you

The first day of the week, Sunday, we gather together to commemorate the Lord Jesus Christ and his resurrection.  I am glad the first century Christians established this long ago.  David wrote in the Old Testament, I was glad when they said let us go to the House of the LORD.  Then in Psalms 23 and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.  How about that the Old testament. And Moses even said, Gather yourselves together, (see Duet. )  Of course, IN the New Testament,  Heb. 10:25 that says to assemble ourselves together,  so much the more you see the day approaching.  So, go to the House of the LORD today, and as often as you can. ON Sunday, the first day of the week. You'll be glad you did.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Believing and Living

How do you believe or how much do you believe ???  When  Jesus Christ was on this earth he spoke and moved men (and women) to follow Him.  He moved Fishermen, tax collectors, brothers and Friends, when He spoke to them.  These were common men with common jobs in that day, along with Family and Friends.  And what about you ???  Where are you in the midst of these ??? Do you believe in Jesus???  He speaks to our hearts and mind.  He speaks, most clearly through his words, the Bible. John 3:16 says God loves the world, and he gave his son, Jesus for you, and that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.  The fisherman, tax collector, brothers and friends believed and followed Him, now will you ??? Not mere head knowledge, but heart and mind knowledge of HIM. Proverbs 3:5-6 " Trust in the LORD, with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge HIM and He shall direst your path"
Believe and live that new life with Him.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A life lesson from Football

Today I saw where a coach explained the responsiblity of the center after he hikes to football to the quaterback.  On one play,  the center is suppose to hike the football then go down and block the middle linebacker.  The linebackers are called head hunters, looking for the running backs.  The success of the center doing his assignment could determine, a big or a small gain for the runningback.   Many times, we have to do our part as parents, employees and team members.  The bible says we can do all things through Christ.  He's done his part, but we should do our part to have success and get a big gain for the team.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Another life lesson from Baseball

A Baseball player may get criticized from time to time because of his performance.  But he can change that at the next at bat. Just get a hit, just get on base or even score a run. And then he is OK with the fans and the Coach.  A worker on the job may get criticized for his work, but he can change that on the next day. Stay consistence and do good work. For the Christian, ask God to help you, and He will.